4 Fruits That Lower Blood Pressure

You have a medical record of hypertension? Here is information about safe and useful fruits for hypertension sufferers


Bananas contain very high potassium. Potassium is beneficial to stabilize blood pressure. You simply consume one banana a day to prevent high blood pressure. Easy, isn't it? You can easily find bananas around you. 

banana to lower blood pressure


Watermelon is a very refreshing fruit because it contains water. The fruit is also rich in nutrients, such as fiber, lycopene, vitamin A and potassium. Research from Florida State University shows that the amino acids found in watermelon, called L-citrulline or L-arginine, can lower blood pressure.

Researchers recruited nine people with pre-hypertension and asked them to consume 6 grams of L-citrulline or L-arginine amino acids per day for six weeks. Researchers found that the blood pressure of participants had decreased and returned to good work.

watermelon to lower blood pressure

Dragon Fruit

The dragon fruit originally from Mexico is now very popular as one of the hypertension herbal medicines, including in Indonesia. One of the pieces of evidence is research by the University of Padjajaran which states that dragon fruit has the efficacy of assisting in the healing process of high blood disease.

Dragon fruit contains a lot of vitamin C, antioxidant flavonoids and magnesium which has the efficacy of flex the arteries so that it becomes more relaxed and makes blood pressure decreased.

High blood sufferers are also often advised to do a diet high in vitamins, antioxidants, and magnesium for the same reason. Since one of the diet menu for hypertension is fresh fruits, dragon fruit can be a good alternative to cure hypertension.

Dragon fruit to lower blood pressure


Oleic acid in avocado can reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. They also contain potassium and folate, both of which are important for cardiovascular health.

avocado to lower blood pressure

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