This is Why People With Hypertension Should Not Eat Processed Foods Too Often

There are several reasons why people with hypertension are not recommended to consume processed foods too often, here is an explanation;
Hypertension or known as high blood pressure is a condition in which blood pressure is above 130/80 mmHg. Many things can cause the body affected by hypertension, i.e;
- unhealthy lifestyles,
- often works late at night,
- smoking habit
- obesity

People With Hypertension Should Not Eat Processed Foods Too Often

In addition to the cases described above, consuming processed foods in large quantities can also trigger hypertension. What processed food is meant?

There are many processed foods that you can buy at the supermarket, ranging from sausages, corned beef, beef patty, nuggets to canned foods or other packages. All of these foods contain quite high sodium. Especially processed meat. A study published in The British Medical Journal says that various processed meats contain a lot of salt. Such as sausages, bacon, and soup in containers.

Quoted from doctor oz (5/8), processed meat on average contains about 360 mg of sodium. Sodium nitrate is a food preservative that keeps meat fresh even if it is not consumed for a long time. It's just a piece of processed meat. Until now many people do not know how much salt for preservatives is used in making nuggets and sausages.

Hypertension sufferers are allowed to consume processed foods, only need to be limited in number, so as not to trigger hypertension they suffer.

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